MIDNIGHT!/ Wednesday, September 09, 2009
《“众里寻他千百度 蓦然回首 那人却在 灯火阑珊处”》 一直很喜欢宋朝辛弃疾的这首《青玉案》 尤为钟爱最后的这两句 不知道我的那个人,是否在蓦然回首之间就能发现?
有点想恋爱了,是因为寂寞伴随太久? 不是没有过机会,但是当爱情真的站在面前的时候,却又逃开了 因为害怕。 至于害怕什么?我到现在也搞不清楚。 相信缘分,所以等待。只是等待久了,便发现,光是等待毫无用处。
常常安慰自己说:一个人也可以啊! 可是寂寞顺着骨髓蔓延,刺痛了我的心,那种苦涩如此清晰。 不想为了恋爱而恋爱,如果明天真的遇到那么一个人,该会好好珍惜吧?
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
02:17 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Monday, February 25, 2008
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
02:43 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Friday, February 08, 2008
look at JH holding Candy's hand!!!!

JJ very spontaneous, without asking, he automatically puts his arm around us 

standing with them makes us girls seem much smaller in size
managed to take 1 of lizhi & reub b4 realizing that we may cause his gf to be unhappy

nadz what are you hiding from?! (she was actually trying to find her things under e table)

i simply love sj's natural smile in this photo~ it's so nice!!!
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
13:47 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Friday, February 01, 2008
You still miss them.
You're not crying yourself to sleep, but your ex does come across your mind now and then. You wonder if they're thinking about you sometimes, and they probably are, but you still keep talking to new people. The memory of them doesn't paralyze your heart when it comes to love. So just wait and see where you end up, where ever that is it's meant to be.
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
23:12 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Getting there kind of...
You're doing alright for yourself. You have good intentions. Your heart is in the right place and that's what really counts. You're half way there, so why not finish the race! A lot of times people who may have romantic intentions talk themselves out of following through. And it can get kind of scary when you put yourself out there. But you'll come to see that you will always be glad you did. So have confidence! If you're thinking of getting your long time partner in crime a bouquet of flowers sent to their work just to say you love them, don't think too much about it. Just do it! Think about how much it would mean to you if you were on the receiving end of that gift.
In life we get what we put out. So if you enjoy pleasant surprises now and again and a little romance then be the Romantic you would like to have Romancing you. You'll see the love begin to flow in no time.
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
17:29 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Monday, January 28, 2008
55 wordsTouch Typing
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
13:41 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Friday, December 28, 2007
BFF Friend

The ultimate friend. You know what it means to be a friend and you keep them close. You are loyal and respected.
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
20:53 <3
I'm Hello (YELLOW)Yellow cheers up everyone... You are the one who is makes friends with stranger with your smiley face... You love sunny days and walk on the beach or romantic dinner. You are optimistic, bright and childlike..
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
20:48 <3
Your blood type is AB.
Your personality is popular yet controlled, sociable yet aloof, Outgoing yet shy, sensitive yet thoughtless, a very split personality. This makes you very exciting friend indeed.
You are most compatible with: everyone!
Famous Type AB's: John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Yeung
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
20:40 <3
You attract Yuppies!
You attract the very well-dressed, job oriented type of people. They usually have their finances together, are 'middle of the road' on most topics, generally happy with the 'main-stream' of things. If it is stability you are after, these are good people to attract, if you seek adventure, it may be time for an overhaul.
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
20:26 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I tried to do last minute sending of xmas greetings and only managed to send to about half of my friendster list. I ONLY KNEW I CAN SEND UP TO 200 COMMENTS WHEN SUDDENLY I REALISED THAT COMMENT BUTTON IS MISSING!!! ARGH!! NOW I WONDER WHY ARE THERE SO MANY PEOPLE IN MY LIST!!!! =((((((
Im already like after 12mn which is 26th, some time after xmas was over than i decided to send the greetings and now im sending only half way not yet done. friendster said i can only continue sending after 24hours and it will be very late by then. =(
now that i realized it has the 200 limit, i cannot continue sending the rest and wad's more, i have more than 400 peeps in my list! which means i have to wait 2 days to complete sending the greetings! argh!
next year i shall start sending early so i can send them in time and not late. stupid friendster =( waste my efforts! if i were to know, i would have choose my recipients wisely!!!
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
01:13 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Sunday, December 16, 2007
in just one day, i met a few friends i know.
one at jec, 3 at marina sq. lol.
they are, kunhua, aaron, mahathir & yvonne. so coincidence la.
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
03:12 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Wednesday, December 12, 2007
just now, not long ago about 11+ almost 12am, there was an accident near my block at the T-junction. i heard the ambulance and thought they were going to somewhere. the siren stopped after awhile. but it didnt occur to me that there was an accident nearby.
however, when i went to the kitchen to throw something, i turned to look out of the window and saw lights blinking. then, i realized that was the accident that took place, no wonder the short siren.
so, with much curiousity, i tried taking down some pictures using my digital camera from my block on the 20th level. since i could not really see clearly from my flat as it was also dark. i tried zooming in to the best i could get.

i wonder what has happened, causing the accident. judging from the outcome of the car, it seems rather serious. hopefully the people involved are not seriously injured.
Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
00:25 <3
MIDNIGHT!/ Sunday, December 09, 2007
click on the images for larger views

Damnit, it ain't meant to be.
18:12 <3